In the United States an estimated 69.2% of people are homeowners. Is the majority right? Are the other 30.8% of people doing it all wrong?

Not necessarily, and in many cases no. We don’t need to throw the baby out with the bath water though. College aged students make up some of this percentage, and there aren’t many college students that are itching to buy home on top of their student loans. Not to mention the fact that over 13% of all college students attend school out of state, making them much more likely to be transitional as far as their home living.

For those not in a highly debt-laden situation or in a transitional phase of life, real estate investing is a great arena to learn about the economy, local markets and if done correctly, to make a great return on your hard earned money. Knowing what to invest in and who to invest with are key considerations, and your research on these topics can save you a lot of heartache and money down the road.